Career Counselling
Career Counselling
We also conduct Career Guidance Workshop which covers:
a) Lecture on different career options(Seminar will cover the following topics):
1. How to choose a ‘Career’?
2. Different new conventional / no conventional careers
3. Tips for success in studies and career
b) Career Exhibition & Interaction
c) I.Q, Aptitude, Interest & Personality Test
Aptitude indicates the student’s capacity / potential in a given area and predicts success in studies and careers requiring those skills. This test takes 3 hours & doesn’t need any prior preparation.
d) Book on Career Information
We provide the book “Career Planner, X/XII/Graduation What Next?” which gives detailed information about specializations, colleges, cut off percentages, job prospects and much more.
e) Counseling Session
Personal counseling with students and parents
All and all our career counseling is quite beneficial and helps students to choose right career.
We will guide you through the maze of questions to find solutions best suited to your profile and / or needs ensuring you choose the best Career Path.
Personality Development Workshops
- Skills for Success
- Positive Thinking
- Time management
- Body Language
- Goal Setting
- Communication Skills
- Public Speaking
- Games
- Emotion Management
- Quiz, Memory Training
- Dealing with Adolescence Crisis
Do you feel like you need somebody to talk to?
Have you been thinking about seeking help or support for a while?
Many people like yourself seek a therapist or life coach out, rather than solely friends or family, for different reasons.
Some are worried they may be judged. Some don’t think others necessarily “get” them.
Other people don’t want to feel like they are burdening friends and family with their problems.
Perhaps you think friends and family have done their share of listening, and it’s time for you to work with a professional.
Career Assessment & Counselling