Most students encounter challenges at some point during their academic careers. Through the support and role-modeling that is provided by fully engaged parents, teachers, and other concerned adults, children and adolescents are able to learn how to manage challenges. Learning to deal with challenges empowers them to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities.
While some of these students may receive support from adults in their home and classroom environments, other students may not receive the quality or quantity of parental or classroom support they need. The lack of support prevents the achievement of academic and psychological stability. These students may require additional support and intervention in order to support their optimal social, academic, and career development. Also many a times their teachers can be less-equipped to provide proper guidance or counseling to cope up with the challenges.
Our counselors add immense value to the education system. They help all students in the areas of academic achievement; personal/social, emotional development and career development, ensuring today’s students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow.
In addition to providing counseling services we also conduct various seminars & workshops like:
- Career Guidance
- IQ & Aptitude Tests
- Healthy Parenting
- Teacher’s Training
- Study Skills
- Memory Development
- Time management
- Anger Management
- Public Speaking
- Personality Development
- English Communication Skills
- Stress Management
- Leadership
- Team Building
- Emotional Intelligence
- Conflict Management
- Adolescence Crisis
Do you feel like you need somebody to talk to?
Have you been thinking about seeking help or support for a while?
Many people like yourself seek a therapist or life coach out, rather than solely friends or family, for different reasons.
Some are worried they may be judged. Some don’t think others necessarily “get” them.
Other people don’t want to feel like they are burdening friends and family with their problems.
Perhaps you think friends and family have done their share of listening, and it’s time for you to work with a professional.